Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Japan: Stop spreading the rumors!!!!

Hey guys please stop passing rumor messages that say Japan Nuclear blast will bring the radioactive showers to India which may burn your skin or cause skin cancer or other such diseases, because it is impossible to happen so, and the radiation emitted to atmosphere is not high to affect people in India. Scientists in India have alleged to such rumors.  Even in the Chernobyl Nuclear disaster, one of the worst accidents in the history where huge amounts of radiation were released, only the neighboring countries were affected. No other part of the world was affected. We are not at risk, please stop spreading the messages, Instead think of helping the quake victims in Japan.
Japan Nuclear Explosion

Such rumors create nothing but worries and wasting of time, so please co-operate with government. For more information on this you go through the article in Times of India link given here

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